Monday, June 8, 2009

A Garden is to be Shared

My hands have been embedded in the soil since 8 when my mother handed me a number of marigold seeds and instructed me to use my finger to draw a trench to bury them. As they grew, my interest and love for color, design and being a part of a natural miracle progressed. Everywhere I have lived, I made a pact to leave a mark of beauty behind.

I purchased my home in Port Washington late 2001 and immediately took a tiller to the front yard to scribe a flower garden. The rest is a series of garden stories. After a walking tour of Umbria/Tuscany in 2008 my heart was changed by the example of St. Francis of Assisi. His life breathed service and giving. I realized that all the work and energy of this garden was not to be for myself. My motto has become "a garden is not to be gated, but rather a gateway for the splendor of God's tapestry to be shared". May the work of these hands be an honor to Him and may this space provide rest and peace to all that enter.

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